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I predict that the next earthquake will happen where it happens. It will be of a magnitude that is consistent with it's size and scope. It will happen at the exact time that it happens. Any other natural occurrences that I can be of assistance with?
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首发 庶女攻略番外 - 乔莲房
" d6 W3 J2 ^- p) M3 T+ F1 dwww.yayabay.commimibobof 发表于 2011-4-17 15:32

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本帖最后由 Spice 于 2011-9-23 02:14 编辑 丫丫的港湾 小说 股坛  海外华人 yayabay.com 全球华人$ S. O, P( n1 H' l5 ~8 V- ?
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俺的也是没写完的,版主MM,你已经给我奖励了,算俺25000字,那俺接着写还会有奖励吗?华人论坛* B5 b' O5 }! [) Z4 l$ t* }* y
木小笨 发表于 2011-9-23 00:32

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5 R% o( K/ u8 D2 P9 g/ |华人论坛,  股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer小说地址:http://www.chineseonboard.com/forum/thread-163929-1-1.html
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