




6已有 698 次阅读  2024-02-29 13:21
通胀时代坏时代的无情随处可见。比如你到Costco买鸡腿,以前的鸡腿连着大腿的部分很多,就是肉多骨头少,现在只剩可怜的小腿了,令人厌恶,我肯定会少买这种做了腿脚的鸡腿。还有Papa John,现在在网上定购比萨饼还要小费虽然不是强迫的,但是我看到这一栏就放弃定购了。来回跑二十分钟,花二十元另加小费和汽油费,相比之下我一顿饭花上十美元也自己做完吃完了,并且不是垃圾食品。


We paid more than $XXX for this house without even a toilet paper holder installed, The construction manager's excuse was that they don't know where the client wants to put the holders. Now you said the noisy flippers are not a warranty issue. Yes it happened that on a windy day I heard loud noises from them, but windy days are common in Florida as in most other places. If they didn't drop the foam or if they installed properly, there should be no such issue. For shutters hardware, it was the manager who told me they would send them later, so don't ask me to ransack the house to find it, without the manager's mentioning I don't even know there is a box of hardware for storm shutters.The same thing is true for window screens. If you want to know the dimensions and models, you should ask your construction department or other appropriate sources. XXXXX(开发商) should not dismiss so much responsibility to the customers after they have not finished the job properly.  The day before closing, the house was dirty, they cleaned in the morning of the closing day, they just put back window screens improperly. For the photos, I have submitted them when I submitted warranty tickets.

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  • 夜夜笙歌 2024-02-29 16:05
  • 思想 2024-02-29 18:14
    美国前医务总监亚当斯(Jerome Adams)日前因脱水前往医院急诊,事后却收到近5000美元帐单,但他实际只接受几袋静脉液注射治疗及化验检查。

      据《商业内幕》报导,亚当斯今年1月出差时突感到头晕,前往斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale)的妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic;世界排名第1的最佳医院)亚利桑那州分院急诊部,随后体会到令无数美国人沮丧的高额医疗费,以及充满陷阱的医疗保健体系。

