



Term of the day: Mercantilism & Survivorship Bias

7已有 175871 次阅读  2015-01-17 09:09

贴这个Term of the day是为了增加经济类的英文词汇。

Mercantilism was the main economic theory in the 16th to 18th century.  Governments regulated their economies to limit imports and maximize exports.  It was believed that by doing this, the nation’s wealth would increase because of the surplus in the country’s balance of trade.  The trade balance was represented by how much gold and silver bullion the country held in its treasury.

To maximize their trade, countries made efforts to expand overseas shipping.  This required a strong naval force to protect the commercial vessels.  As a result, England, France, Portugal and Spain were often at war in an attempt to dominate the seas. On the positive side, mercantilism spurred an increase in European global exploration as countries searched for new sources of raw materials. 

Mercantilism proved to be a difficult system to maintain.  Maximizing exports and limiting imports was often counterproductive and ended up harming a country’s economy more than it helped.  As a result, mercantilism gave way to laissez faire economies where free trade was allowed to flourish and government intervention was reduced.


Survivorship Bias

The tendency for mutual funds with poor performance to be dropped by mutual fund companies, generally because of poor results or low asset accumulation. This phenomenon, which is widespread in the fund industry, results in an overestimation of the past returns of mutual funds. 

Also known as "survivor bias".

For example, a mutual fund company's selection of funds today will include only those that have been successful in the past. Many losing funds are closed and merged into other funds to hide poor performance. This is an important issue to take into account when analyzing past performance. 
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