



About cheating/having an affair (出轨)

已有 75916 次阅读  2009-07-28 20:31   标签生活  感情  情感 
About cheating/having an affair (出轨)(2009-07-18 09:21:32)

所谓的原则就是一个门坎儿,一旦你越过了这个坎儿也就没有所谓的原则了。 "Once a cheater, always a cheater."

 When you got married, you promised to love and honor your spouse.  That word does not mean that you must grovel at his or her feet.  It means, simply, that you should respect each other, and a large part of showing a person respect lies in being honest with them. 

 Cheating is not a wake-up call to your spouse.  It is a viscious slap in the face, and to do as you are, and as you have been doing for some time, shows that not only do you have no respect for him, but you have none for yourself, either. Cheating does not need courage!!! If you still want your marriage last while you are cheating with someone else, then all you need to do is knowing how to cover your ass without busted!

 If you continue to play the game, unless your husband/wife is a idiot, he/she will find out, and you may find yourself free-falling in a bottomless abyss that you dug for yourself!  If you haven't figured that out by now, nothing anyone says here will make a difference.


来自Cecelia的新浪博客 For more readings please visit http://blog.sina.com.cn/ceceliama 

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  • ivy 2009-07-28 21:35
  • Cecelia 2009-07-29 07:04
    ivy: 楼主说的很好,我听说现在国内很多人根本不把出轨当回事,好像夫妻俩都不太在乎,是这样吗?